Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sketches for Group Mailer

One thing I took home from the SCBWI conference was the importance of showing my process. It's going to be a challenge for me since I only like to show work that I feel deserves to leave my studio. These are some beginning sketches for a group mailer I'm doing for my self promotion class. I'm not big on thumbnails until I have an idea of what I want to do. So get out some ideas and then start thinking about placement. 


  1. The last sketch reminds me of one of my favorite kid's books called "The Secret Staircase" by Jill Barklem. It was the story of these mice that had made a mansion-like home in the trunk of a tree. There were a couple illustrations that were cross-sections of the tree and they showed all the little rooms and this great spiral staircase that was super tall. Ha, anyway neat sketches! I'll find the book and scan some of the pages.
